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Successful removal of invasive plants in Comox park

The Friends of Mack Laing Nature Park (FMLNP) organized an ‘Invasive Pull in the Park’ on Sunday, March 15.
The initial pull resulted in two dump truck loads being removed by the Town of Comox Parks Department. Photo supplied

The Friends of Mack Laing Nature Park (FMLNP) organized an ‘Invasive Pull in the Park’ on Sunday, March 15.

It was such a success that the activity continued on the mornings throughout the following week. The initial pull on Sunday resulted in two dump truck loads being removed by the Town of Comox Parks Department - an even larger quantity of debris was collected over the following mornings. Approximately 250 work-hours were accumulated during this period. Physical distancing was maintained, fresh air, exercise and amazing camaraderie was involved while contributing to a great cause.

This project is time-sensitive in order to avoid any unnecessary damage to the native plants. After consultation with the Town of Comox Parks Department, the next pull will take place in the late fall or next spring. Clearing the woods and Brooklyn Creek riparian areas of invasives such as ivy, holly and daphne laurel is a multi-year project.

The MacDonald Wood Park Society has achieved positive results after more than 12 years of pulling these invasives in that park. Anyone interested in receiving advance notice of the next pull can email