With five television comedy specials under his belt and the Ron James Show into its third successful season on CBC-TV, Canada’s busiest and best-selling comedian takes to the road with a new “gut-bustingly, knee-slappingly funny” 90-minute rant.
From MAC-savvy twenty-something tattooed techno-geeks to the mid-life angst of whiny, aging Baby Boomers, Ron James weaves a verbal tapestry of trademark laughs that audiences and media alike have endorsed from coast to coast:
“Devastatingly funny” — Globe & Mail; “5 STARS - Utterly Brilliant” — Ottawa Sun; “fits of helpless laughter” — Halifax Chronicle Herald; “funniest man in Canada” — Victoria Times-Colonist; “4 STARS - a wheezing, snorting, chortling, gasping night of hilarity” — Edmonton Sun; “convulsed with laughter” — Toronto Star; “fast, funny and smart” — Montreal Gazette; “thunderous standing ovation” — Saskatoon Star Phoenix.
Whether it’s our national blood sport of contemporary politics, or family stories from the 1960s, where dreams of making the NHL are squandered on peewee league hand-me-down hockey skates with buckles on them a leprechaun would wear, or a frightening forest encounter with a nostril-drooling bull moose that gets him babbling in a ‘Cro-Magnon tongue he never knew he was fluent in’, RON JAMES ... LIVE! has something for everyone!
Reserved seating tickets for RON JAMES ... LIVE! are $40.63 to $46.43 (plus tax and local facility charges). They're on sale now.
Showtime April 27 at the Sid Williams Theatre is 8 p.m.
Tickets are at the Sid Williams box office on Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. Phone 250-338-2430, ext. 1.
For more information, visit www.ronjames.ca.
— Shantero Productions Inc.