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Valley Idol edges closer to semis

Valley Idol is closer to wrapping up as singers competed in the semifinals last weekend.
Singers are one step closer to a champion during the Valley Idol competition last weekend.

Valley Idol is closer to wrapping up as singers competed in the semifinals last weekend.

The semifinals held at the Comox Community Centre had 45 names listed to perform. The 13-and-under category performed on Saturday and the 14 and over category performed on Sunday.

This round, 29 contestants made it through. The scores were close, especially in the 14-and-over category with a four-way tie for 12th place.

The 14 finalists in the 13 and under category are as follows: Alysa Castle, Aurora Dunstan, Aysha Guenther, Bella Flesher, Breanna Wallis, Chai Sullivan, Jayden Parks, Jenna Gill, Kayler Fagan, Libby Pedersen, Meaghen Cabral, Ryann Leete, Salem Jones, and Tobi Franklin.

The 15 finalists in the 14-and-over category are as follows: Avry Payne, Alannah Clark, Alicia DeHart, Gayle Ferguson, Ildiko Jane Kelly, Jay R Dohinog, Kaitlyn Card, Kelly Heaven, Kevin Flesher, Kim Heppell, Maraea Paulus, Marisa Schorno, Marley Blake, Megan Rutledge, and Ryan Castle.

The semifinals performances contained a variety of song choice and style with singers performing to a back-track, playing an instrument themselves, or boldly choosing to go acapella.

Pamela West, one of three judges attending the performance, says that there is a wide range of talents among the different ages this season.

“Some are professional quality, some are not, but everyone seems to have a good time,” West says.

Director Susie McGregor is impressed with the talent that this season of Valley Idol holds, noting that contestants are learning and developing their skills through the process of the competition.

“They’re really listening to stuff at the workshops and picking things that are working for them,” McGregor says.

McGregor believes that the finals will indeed be just as tough, if not tougher, than the semifinals.

“I think it’s anybody’s game. It’s all about song choice and finding that ‘one’.”

Valley Idol will end it’s sixth season on May 25 at the Little Red Church in Comox. For more information, visit or email