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Ian McLean running for seat on Cumberland council

I am proud to stand as a candidate in the Oct. 20 municipal election.
Ian McLean is running for a seat on Cumberland council. Photo submitted

I am proud to stand as a candidate in the Oct. 20 municipal election.

Those of you who know me are already aware of my passion and love for Cumberland. I have been encouraged and decided to seek election to Cumberland council. I am a dedicated community supporter and a long-time advocate for public, social and progressive issues.

My message and slogan are one and the same - and will remain - “Committed to Cumberland.” This means my commitment is to hearing the voices and concerns of Cumberland’s citizens so that all residents know they are being heard and listened to.

As a national representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees, I have worked on behalf of people with questions and concerns for 22 years. Over the years I have learned the value and importance of active listening, clarification of the issues brought forward and taking appropriate action to address those concerns.

Cumberland is a dynamic community and we now find ourselves at the crossroads of significant growth and change. Imminent challenges will require our council to be informed, prepared, and capable of making hard decisions that will wisely steer our community into the future.

I am committed to responsible decision-making, especially where growth and expansion are concerned.

As British Columbians we must tackle the crisis of affordable housing. Every B.C. community, large and small, is affected.

We need to work with our provincial and federal counterparts to achieve results that match the needs of all. I am committed to working hard with residents of our community towards easing this crisis.

I am a long-time activist in progressive political issues. I am the president of our local NDP Constituency Association (Mid-Island Pacific Rim) and enjoy working with like-minded people who are committed to a progressive approach to problem-solving. I am committed to bringing the same approach to our village council.

I participate and enjoy volunteering at events and celebrations that make this unique community so vibrant. I strongly believe in shopping locally and regularly chat with our local business owners about ideas that will enhance the Cumberland experience for residents and visitors alike.

I am available to discuss any questions, concerns or advice you may have for me. I encourage you to please contact me at or call me at 250-816-2077.