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Stephanie McGowan running for a seat on Comox council

Stephanie McGowan is running for election as a Comox councillor.

Stephanie McGowan is running for election as a Comox councillor.

“Comox is a special place with an incredibly rich history. It is where I spent much of my formative years; where I graduated from high school, and where I decided to come back to lay down my roots,” said McGowan. “My inspiration to get involved started with my family and is fueled by conversations I have with other locals, other families that are struggling to stay one step ahead of their bills. I want to be on the council to ensure we have a town affordable enough for families to stay in.”

McGowan points out that housing is a major issue in Comox.

“I speak to many parents concerned about their housing, trying to balance their income between rent/mortgage, food, and utilities. Finding a rental with kids and pets is a nightmare. Being stressed about keeping a roof over your children’s heads or food on their plates is not a recipe for engaging to your fullest potential.”

Working in the mental health industry, McGowan hears many situations where people, and children, are struggling. Keeping our town affordable is a priority for McGowan. She appreciates the work of past councils to make a debt-free Comox, but stresses that taxes need to be affordable so no one fears being forced out of their home. McGowan brings a balanced approach - making sure Comox’s infrastructure is kept in good shape - without compromising affordability.

McGowan and her partner, Cameron, have two young sons. She is very aware of the future challenges - climate change being a major one.

“I want our sons to grow up to be secure in their future and to know the joy of nature. Trees make our community livable and access to trails is a priority for healthy living.

“If I win a seat on council, I will be approachable to all; the disillusioned and those who feel they have no voice. I want to let people experience true accountability. It is our right to be heard and represented, and although municipal government is notorious for a lack of voter turnout, it is an ideal place to have our voice truly heard. Together, on Oct. 20, we can make a difference. I promise to vote with my mind, conscience and heart.”

Contact Stephanie McGowan at 250-218-5586,,, or

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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