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Courtenay High School homecoming planned for Canada Day weekend

The July 1st long weekend will be more than a celebration of Canada Day for former Courtenay High School classmates who are planning a homecoming in Courtenay. Classmates who attended Courtenay High School at any time are invited to get re-acquainted and compare life stories June 30 to July 3.

The July 1st long weekend will be more than a celebration of Canada Day for former Courtenay High School classmates who are planning a homecoming in Courtenay.

Classmates who attended Courtenay High School at any time are invited to get re-acquainted and compare life stories June 30 to July 3.

"This fun-filled weekend of 'Remember when…' is open to everyone, including teachers and staff," organizers stated in a press release. "The more the merrier."

Organizers are also looking for corporate sponsors to help purchase advertising and help develop a CD or DVD with pictures from the old yearbooks blended with up-to-date photos.

"We gathered up the old yearbook committee and are working on this project right  now," they stated. "We need your photos."

The reunion is being planned for June 30 to July 3, and the deadline to confirm attendance and reserve tickets for the dinner and dance is approaching.

The cost of the weekend event is $40 per classmate and $35 for a spouse or second classmate in the family. Organizers ask that you send the full amount or drop it off at Don McRae's office at 437 Fifth St. in Courtenay, attention: Starr Moore-Winchester. Tthere is a mail slot if the office is closed.

Organizers plan to kick start the event with a wine and cheese June 30 at Crown Isle from 7-10 p.m., sponsored by Kopar Administration. There will also be registration.

The group will participate in the Canada Day Parade.

Participants will meet July 1 at 9:30 a.m. in front of Lake Trail School.

"Hopefully there will be lots of 'old' cars and we can pile in like we used to do," said organizers. "Those were the days."

Organizers ask people to let them know how many people will have cars and/or a float for the reunion.

After the parade, the Courtenay High School group will spend the afternoon picnicking with families and grandkids at Lewis Park.

"The July 1st Canada Committee is doing a great job, so lets join them and have fun," said organizers.

In the evening of July 1, they will have an open house at Island Tides Lounge on Comox Avenue.

July 2 is a free day to go golfing, skiing, visiting or shopping, and there will be a dinner and dance to 60s music at the Native Sons Hall. The Monarch Lions Club will open the bar at 4 p.m.

The dinner ticket is $30 per person, and it is included in the $40 registration fee.

"We have a great, local band, Flying Debris, all lined up, but bring your musical instruments and join in on some Beatles, Dave Clark 5 and Elvis music," stated organizers. "The band members welcome all to join them in a jam."

For July 3, organizers are planning a pancake breakfast at the Royal Canadian Legion in Courtenay and a short memorial ceremony so they can celebrate those who have passed away. They are asking people to provide names of classmates they know who have passed away.

The deadline to confirm attendance and reserve dinner/dance tickets is June 25.

Call Diane Ellis-Mineault at 250-941-1912 or Jim Whyte at 250-338-5566 to reserve your spot and find out where to send your money. If you have time to help, organizers are also looking for more volunteers.

E-mail if you do not get an answer. You can also register on Facebook by looking up Courtenay High Reunion or on Classmates.


About the Author: Staff Writer

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