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Falling Seal Bay trees improves worker safety

About 40 dead and hazardous trees will be felled along the Don Apps and Horse Bike trails to ensure worker safety during site remediation in Seal Bay Park during the last week of February.

About 40 dead and hazardous trees will be felled along the Don Apps and Horse Bike trails to ensure worker safety during site remediation in Seal Bay Park during the last week of February.Due to slope failure earlier from heavy rainfall, trail improvements such as filling wet spots and slope stabilization are necessary. The CVRD does not normally cut down or remove dead trees unless they present a hazard. In this case, they pose a safety risk to the contractor. WorkSafe BC requires the district to address safety concerns identified by contractors.Falling should take two days and will be complete before nesting season, which occurs between March 1 and June 30.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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