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Help deck the halls of Courtenay recovery house

Kean Auto Services' annual donation drive for Stepping Stones
Phil and Erick Peterson of Kean Auto Services are collecting donations for the Stepping Stones Women’s Recovery House. They are hoping the community can come together to provide appliances and more for an additional location.

Erin Haluschak

Record staff

Phil Peterson is hoping for quite a few things - a washer and dryer, freezer and other accessories and toiletries - this Christmas.

While it may sound like a lot, the items aren’t for him, rather, they are part of his annual donation drive for the Stepping Stones Women’s Recovery House.

This is the fourth year that the owner of Kean Auto Services in Courtenay has helped collect funds and supplies for the house, with the help of the Comox Valley community.

This year, Peterson said because the recovery house is opening an additional location, they are in need of appliances, furniture, basic necessities and toiletries.

“They need almost everything … we have a very giving community who has been very generous in the past and have always met the need. It’s very appreciated,” he said.

The idea came about a few years ago from a former employee who inquired about various organizations around the Valley, said Peterson.

“We started making phone calls and we started talking to Theresa (McNicol - program co-ordinator) and she was actually in tears when we asked her what did she need. She said (that year) they couldn’t even afford a turkey for Christmas dinner.”

In the past few years, Peterson has helped collect funds to purchase a stove, television and more.

For a donation, people write their names on Christmas balls, and the donations - along with the named decorative balls - will be given to the recovery house.

“In the past years we’ve sent the balls over and it’s a really nice way to show the women that all these people are standing (with them),” he added.

In addition to cash donations, Peterson is also collecting food, gifts, furniture and “almost everything” for the house.

The drive will run until Dec. 22, with the hopes of delivering the gifts and donations just prior to Christmas Day.

Kean Auto Services is located at 180 North Island Highway, and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday for donations.

For more information or to donate to the initiative, call 250-897-3643, or drop off donations on-site.