A man with symptoms of hypothermia was transported into the Crofton government wharf Monday afternoon via a Canadian Coast Guard vessel.
The Canadian Coast Guard’s Marine Communications and Traffic Services received a mayday from a vessel in Trincomali Channel at 12:18 p.m. April 18, according to Michelle Imbeau, communications advisor for the Canadian Coast Guard. The report indicated a person was in shock and suffering from possible hypothermia after being exposed to the water during the launch of the vessel.
“The Coast Guard Fast Response Craft Ganges 1 and CCGS Cape Naden responded, as well as two vessels of opportunity in the area at the time,” added Imbeau. “The crew of the Ganges 1 was first on scene and the crew provided first aid before transferring the person to the Cape Naden. The Cape Naden transferred the person to Emergency Health Services in Crofton.”
North Cowichan fire department members from the Crofton fire hall and BC Emergency Health Services paramedics were waiting in Crofton to transfer the man to a waiting ambulance.
“One patient was transported in non-critical condition,” reported BCEHS spokesperson Stephanie Dunn.
It took considerable time for the Coast Guard vessel to dock in Crofton. A boat had to be untied and moved first at the government wharf to make room.
A first attempt was made to come into the boat launch before it was decided to bring the patient out at the government wharf. It was also extremely busy in the harbour, with the MV Quinsam ferry in the dock.