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Vancouver Island February weather was unusually normal

Conditions cool to start March around eastern Vancouver Island

There’s always exceptions, but February 2024 will go into the record books as a normal month.

“The only notable events or anomalies were a shot of hail not often seen at this time of the year and a total snowfall of less than one centimetre, a tiny fraction of the normal,” noted Chris Carss, who compiles weather data at his Chemainus home for Environment and Climate Change Canada.

“The number of partly or mostly sunny days was a little above normal. However, this is the month that usually kicks off our transition from winter to spring and our sunshine usually reaches nearly double what we get in December.”

With March underway, it’s started off cool and unsettled with various accumulations of snow depending on location on eastern Vancouver Island.

“However, as we get further into the month, it’s expected that near normal temperatures and precipitation will dominate,” Carss indicated.

The breakdown of the statistics was as follows:


Mean maximum 8.4 C, normal 8.4 C.

Mean minimum 3.3 C, normal 2.4 C.

Extreme maximum 13.0 C on Feb. 25.

Extreme minimum -1.5 C on Feb. 27.


Total days with precipitation (including mixed weather days) 15, normal 16.

Total days with rain 13.

Accumulated rainfall 126.6 mm, normal 117.3 mm.

Total days with snow 2, including 1 with hail.

Accumulated snowfall 0.7 cm, normal 8.6 cm.

Other Statistics

Days mostly or partly sunny and dry 13, normal 10.

Days with mixed weather 6.

Total days mostly or partly sunny (including mixed weather days) 19.

Don Bodger

About the Author: Don Bodger

I've been a part of the newspaper industry since 1980 when I began on a part-time basis covering sports for the Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle.
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