Dear editor,
A Lorne Park in Comox?
And why not?
You may prefer to call the new park Lorne Gardens or some other distinctive, memorable or appropriate name.
Nonetheless, the Town of Comox now has what may be the last opportunity to acquire that controversial, currently depressing but potentially beautiful piece of property right in the middle of town at Comox Avenue and Port Augusta Street.
And why should our town acquire that land? Simply put, to make a community statement and establish a park/garden on the site for all to enjoy.
Perceptive, we might say progressive, municipal governments around the world have acquired open spaces for decades for this purpose. Can we imagine cities like London, Paris, New York or Vancouver without their iconic parks?
Now those parks are the jewels in their crowns. They attract visitors (not to mention financial investment), and give those cities a well balanced and comfortable place to rest, to meet and to socialize; key ingredients in any caring society. Is that such a bad thing?
Of course there is a cost involved, but, please remember this: The beauty (and benefits) of this expenditure will remain long after the cost is forgotten. A token increase in property taxes is a small price to pay for enhancing the livability of our still beautiful town.
Council and residents alike will be proud to have had the foresight to invest in such a wonderful asset - .an asset that present and future generations will use, enjoy and appreciate.
Roger Thomas