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Coal mine opponents should fight 'slippery slope'

Dear editor, I have read with interest the latest series of letters both for and against the Raven coal mine.

Dear editor,I have read with interest the latest series of letters both for and against the Raven coal mine.To those for the project, I ask this — do not expect, but rather demand this project follow the highest of environmental, and social standards. Also, contact your MLA, MP and Compliance and tell them using trucks simply is not acceptable, the E&N railway was built for coal and it must be used for it again now.To those against, fight. Fight as hard and as loud and as long as you can, because this mine is the worst kind of slippery slope. There is no justifying the thermal-grade coal it is slated to produce (20 to 100 per cent of the total). There is no telling what dangers will come from the open-pit Bear projects down the road.Chris Alemany,Port Alberni