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Coell's decision means no meaningful environmental assessment for proposed coal mine

In refusing to comply with a request from CoalWatch for comprehensive aquifer mapping and modelling for the proposed Raven Coal Project in the Comox Valley, Minister of Environment Murray Coell has effectively shut down any kind of meaningful environmental assessment.

Dear editor,

In refusing to comply with a request from CoalWatch for comprehensive aquifer mapping and modelling for the proposed Raven Coal Project in the Comox Valley, Minister of Environment Murray Coell has effectively shut down any kind of meaningful environmental assessment.

Without this important information, the BC Environmental Assessment Authority (BCEAA) cannot make an informed decision with regard to the impact of the mine on the affected aquifers, watersheds, or the waters of Baynes Sound.

Any Grade 5 student knows water flows downhill. Water is an effective solvent.

Just look at the towel after they wash their hands without soap. The water gets dirty, too, and carries with it bad stuff.

Baynes Sound is downhill from the mine site and tailings storage. It is a completely ridiculous notion to believe that the associated aquifers, watersheds and sound will not be seriously impacted.

More information is available at

Terry Avery,

Fanny Bay


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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