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Comox Valley not as big as it used to be to enjoy nature

Dear editor, In regards to "going elsewhere in the Valley" to enjoy the outdoors, and suggesting it's "a big valley" is largely misleading.

Dear editor,

In regards to "going elsewhere in the Valley" to enjoy the outdoors, and suggesting it's "a big valley" is largely misleading.

From Campbell River to Victoria to the west of the inland /island highway is mostly private land and posted No Trespassing.

Our outdoor recreation corridors, which were prolific in the past, have been greatly diminished and our opportunity to hunt, fish, hike, camp,  canoe, and yes, even swim in any lakes or rivers in the Comox Valley has quickly disappeared because of posted private lands.

You are no longer able to travel into the mountains you see every day because it is all private land and posted No Trespassing.

It's unfortunate but the outdoor recreationist is no longer assured of being able to access their destination of choice in the Comox Valley unless they stay on this side of the Inland Island Highway, and even at that, as with Stotan Falls, there are no guarantees that there is an "elsewhere in the valley" to go to.

Rob Worrall,

Campbell River/Courtenay