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Developer is playing the bully role

Dear editor

The issue of development divided Union Bay a long time ago, creating two sides –   those accepting development at any cost, without consultation of experts, and having self-interest, and those accepting development, seeing long-term outcomes, operating appropriately for the benefit of the community.

Actually, there is one other group: those uninterested and easy prey for a petition touting words like “free water treatment plant.”

The current board has been extremely financially responsible. Parcel taxes and water rates have increased, but not exorbitantly. They have saved enough money to find the community able to move forward with both a water treatment plant and a fire hall without seeking a lump sum payment from ratepayers, contrary to the rumour mill. The existing UBID board supports development and has nothing but good intentions for this community. There are two candidates running that support their past, present and future work.

The other two candidates running are supported by the old regime and favour a move back to days past. Days where the board cost the ratepayers $115,000 to rid the community of the school purchased, and another $120,000 in legal fees to do so. Those same people that wanted a fire hall bigger than Courtenay’s.

Everyone wants the same things for our community.  But in the mix of all this madness we have a developer. A developer that seemingly takes great pleasure in ensuring our community stays divided.

More and more the evidence points to a bully in the school yard that isn’t getting his way threatening to take his ball and go home.

Development should be in the long-term interest of the community. There is no reason a new, equitable agreement can’t be drawn up. The inadequate, old agreement is gone. If you’re not willing to come to the table under the current conditions, take your ball and go home.


Eric Williamson

Union Bay