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Fletcher columns make good fish wrap

Dear editor,

It was with no small amount of irony that I was reading Tom Fletcher’s latest column spouting his right-wing theories about climate while in the background my radio was describing the evacuations occurring in Northern Alberta due to wildfires. While Fletcher begrudgingly concedes that the climate is changing, his views on climate change seem just as myopic and misguided as his views on education, provincial politics and a range of other topics.

It begs the question: Why does The Record continue to run his reactionary conservative columns? Is it to increase circulation? To fill up space? Maybe it’s an attempt to create controversy in this online world, but why not try for relevance? I really am curious.

And I wonder what he’s like in person. Is he truly the curmudgeonly misanthrope that his writing portrays? Does he actually believe what he writes? Never one to be inconvenienced by the truth he always seems to find some source to support his agenda.

And so Fletcher prattles while Fort Mac burns.

It just seems to me that there are so many more worthwhile things to which his column inches could be devoted or donated.

Ah well, he’ll always have a place in our home – wrapped around fish. (Sorry, fish. . .)

Nancy Miller





About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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