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HAVE YOUR SAY: Seaweed critic was no lady

To the woman who cursed me up and down in front of her children when she came upon my wife and I collecting seaweed: What we were doing is perfectly legal and quite common along our coast.

To the woman who cursed me up and down in front of her children when she came upon my wife and I collecting seaweed: What we were doing is perfectly legal and quite common along our coast. To quote the Summary of Regulations for Seaweed Harvesting Along the West Coast of North America: "No permits or special requirements for personal, noncommercial use. Collection is not permitted in specially managed areas such as Ecological Reserves, Marine Reserves, Provincial Parks, and Federal Parks." We were not in a restricted area. And based on your liberal use of profanity, you are no lady.I had a scare on the Cumberland main street on Saturday, when a woman on a bicycle ran up along the right side of my vehicle as I was about to turn right in the intersection. I was glad she didn’t get hit, but who would have been in the wrong? Are bicycles, like cars not allowed to pass on the right side? Why aren’t there rules of the road and licensing for bicycles, specially since the Valley is now promoting more usage of them?Twelve thumbs up to Wendy Johnstone from Keystone Eldercare Solutions for taking the time to speak to the current Job Options group in Courtenay. Wendy is an inspiring speaker with a clear passion for her work. Thanks, Wendy, for providing a much-needed service to families in the Comox Valley and for demonstrating how to create success by doing something you're passionate about. You've been unanimously voted: awesome.Do you have somebody to praise or something you have to get off your chest? Have your say by submitting to You can also get a written submission to 765 McPhee Ave., Courtenay, B.C. V9N 2Z7 or fax to 250-338-5568.