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LETTER - Comox senior calls for government to intervene in transit strike


Dear editor,

As a senior who moved to the Comox Valley to retire in a stress-free environment (which Comox Village provides), I am amazed the Courtenay/Comox council members are unable to find funds to resolve the transit strike, which started Dec. 15. In the big city I came from, buses passed every seven minutes, with connectors. Here, the “take cars off the road for climate change” action is not encouraged, as buses seem to be at the bottom of politician/resident lists of needed services.

The Jan. 3 copy of the Record included a column by David Suzuki on the COP28 summit. It’s clear that some of us have the awareness that action, even small efforts, are needed to have a responsible community. When will the Valley ‘light come on’ that buses help reduce emissions when people use them locally, instead of cars, and provide people, especially seniors, a responsible form of travel?

Transit drivers need to receive the increase in wages they deserve, for themselves, the community and for the planet.

Dianne Browne,
