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LETTER - Cyclists need to take some responsibility for their own safety

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

With respect to Alexander Nataros’ letter regarding care for cyclists (May 2, Please give cyclists respectful space on our roads):

Yes, please drivers, watch out for cyclists (and motorcyclists and pedestrians) and be respectful of all who share the road.

Cyclists, you can help your cause by taking responsibility to be visible, with things like bright reflective clothing, lights and reflectors.

You can also help yourselves by being respectful of the rules of the road and not being part wheeled vehicle, part pedestrian, and part “I can do what I like because I am on a bicycle and am saving the world from climate change.”

Car drivers expect you to act and follow the rules of the road also. You are a wheeled vehicle. Do not go the wrong way down the street, jump the curb or change lanes when you feel like it, ignore stop signs, make sudden stops or turns without signaling, ride across crosswalks thinking cars should stop for you, ride leisurely, two abreast on the road at 20 km below the speed limit, blast along sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, or weave in an out of pedestrians and traffic as you like, etc. You need to be just as responsible and respectful as you expect others to be.

Diana Wearne,

Comox Valley

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