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LETTER - Global warming part of a fraudulent international movement worth billions

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

When are we going to wake up and realize we have been conned?

This international fraud is based on the premise that carbon dioxide is causing global warming and has morphed into a movement worth billions of dollars. By the way, any “respected scientist”, (often referred to), has to say he is investigating carbon dioxide or he receives no funding.

Years ago, one would see a man with a sandwich-board stating “the end of the world is near” and we would smile and shake our heads. In the ’70s there were predictions that we could be entering another ice age because the climate was cooling, which it did for three decades, despite rapidly increasing industrial activity. The fact is that carbon dioxide is a very minor greenhouse gas and represents approximately .054 per cent of the world’s atmosphere, the largest proportion of which is produced by volcanoes.

You may remember an American con-man named Al Gore who produced a chart showing the relationship between carbon dioxide and the oceans’ temperature, very convincing, except he had the chart upside down; the warmer ocean was releasing more co2. Mr. Gore’s motive was to make himself very rich trading carbon credits. We have to stop being so gullible, stop believing ever more incredible claims of impending disaster and stop these people picking our pockets.

On a clear day if you look up you will see the cause of climate change. The sun’s changing solar winds have a profound effect on our planet and its climate by varying the amount of cloud cover that moderates the temperature. I will conclude by saying, we should be far more concerned about the biggest threat to mankind, the destruction of the world’s oceans by pollution and over-fishing.

N Davies,

Black Creek