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LETTER - Smoky season is back, thanks to wood-burning neighbours

Dear editor and Comox town council,

Dear editor and Comox town council,

Poison your Comox neighbour season is back.

As you know, your cozy wood fire produces smoke from your chimney that becomes a thick blue cloud sitting on my home and neighbourhood.

Like many others, my family has respiratory issues. I am an active outdoor senior. I shouldn’t need a gas mask for walking, biking, gardening, or to open my windows. If I was polluting and harming your kids, you would not be happy, for sure.

It’s time for town council to require home sales to stop future wood burning. It’s time for proactive Comox property tax reductions for healthy houses with solar panels, heat pumps, e-bikes, e-scooters, and, homes without wood-burning fireplaces. It’s past time to stop the selfish, harmful, wood-burning poisoning of Comox neighbourhoods.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Steve Hill,
