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Molly was done wrong by not only the young offender, but the system

Dear editor,

My heart goes out to Molly Burton, victim of not only an irresponsible driver, but a teenager with the cognitive ‘skills’ of an 11-year old.

How does a 16-year-old with the cognitive skills of an 11-year-old get issued a driver’s licence?

Judge Lamperson said that if the teen had stayed with Burton after hitting her she wouldn’t likely have suffered as much as she did.  If he had stayed at the scene and called 9-1-1 - or even called 9-1-1 anonymously - Burton might have not only had a different outcome to her very serious injuries, but she would not have had to go through the extraordinary ordeal of lying in the brambles, unable to move, in excruciating agony, calling for help for four hours.

If it had not been for the miraculous intervention of Brody Fullerton, Molly Burton might have died in that bush.  And the teenager with an inadequate sense of responsibility might have gone on to bring devastation into other lives.

A great deal of the responsibility for this horrific event must surely be laid upon the person, office, or system that allows someone of impaired ability and responsibility to drive a vehicle.

Pat Newson
