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More must be done to reduce greenhouse gases

More must be done to reduce greenhouse gases

Dear editor,

The world passed the 400ppm threshold of CO2 in September. It is more critical than ever to remind our political representatives that everyone’s survival is chained to our success at reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) quickly.

The recent carbon pricing that Prime Minister Trudeau has just proposed is an important step to address climate change.  Hopefully most of the funds collected by our provincial governments are focused on making alternative energy more affordable by subsidizing individuals to save money with the most efficient technologies available.

Check out the BC Climate Leadership Plan online and ask for more.  BC and the world cannot afford to coast on a single plan. Please demand from our politicians that they make informed decisions, policies and laws based on the best science and technologies available.  There is a wealth of examples of  successful rapid change. Canadians jumped on board for the world war efforts and the rapid establishment of technological changes like  electricity, indoor plumbing, water and sewer systems, automobiles and computers.

So far, 73 countries of 197 nations have ratified the Paris Agreement (including Canada, China, India and USA). An amazing 56 per cent of countries are already on board and the rest are working on it. Our goals to reduce poverty, or provide care for those in need, or even to just enjoy life are useless without a healthy atmosphere. The impact of climate change refugees is the biggest threat to the world’s future.  The crux of our situation is that all of our other priorities are dust without climate change strategies at the forefront.

Your public representatives need your encouragement to make climate change and GHG the country’s number one priority... because it is.

For our children’s children. Sincerely,

Denise Alcott
