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Past actions make us responsible for wildfire situation

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

My “beeferoid” is with some whom blame the world’s woes on climate change without a doubt… say like the fires, the big fires we are all dealing with now.

The real reason the fires are so big and many is we in our well meaning ways many years ago jumped to put every little fire out as soon as we could. This inhibits the natural cleaning of forests and ground. Over so many generations this was the mandate and by doing so all over North America we have a huge huge build-up of debris just waiting for a spark from lightning or boneheads. It’s going to burn from our own lack of forest management. It’s estimated that in the US alone that there is over 300 million tons of dry fuel waiting to go up anytime, due to fire suppression in the past. This is not to deny carbon pollution, but a duck is a duck.

Dave Hayward

Fanny Bay