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Reader takes issue with Filberg article inaccuracies

Dear editor,

In your article, published in the Comox Valley Record, 28 July 2015, the headline read Filberg festival now a four-day event.

In its 33-year run (of which I have attended 25 previous festivals), it has always been a four-day festival, beginning Friday morning, and ending Monday late afternoon.

Despite the current producers’ assertion, the music we have enjoyed here has covered many genres. Often we have been delighted with award-winning international jazz, blues, and classicist musicians. The folk musicians have been of awesome calibre, and drawn terrific crowds. This was not the case last year, and we were always able to find a chair, due to repeat performances, and gaps in musical programming.

Change is not necessarily bad: we have continued our attendance and enjoyment of the Filberg Festival, even as it has broadened its artist base (it started as a celebration of the incredible wealth of artistic talent in the Valley).

As the current producers are neither local, nor familiar with the long history of the Filberg, they perhaps can be forgiven for making their false claims, but please do not publish this in the local Valley paper.



Christine Erdos O’Malley

Comox Valley