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The four Rs are Return, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink

Dear editor, This Valley is enthusiastic about our environment, Return, Reuse, Recycle. However, we also need our government to Rethink!

Dear editor,This Valley is enthusiastic about our environment, Return, Reuse, Recycle.However, we also need our government to Rethink!Rethink putting out Stage Two water restrictions when the mountain snowpack is so deep there is still concern about spring flooding. This Cry Wolf message alters how we think alright. We go from being concerned about protecting our natural resources to wondering what the hell is being rammed down our throat.This mistrust, makes us question the need for not only these restrictions imposed unnecessarily but water meters, homeless initiatives, etc.On page one there is a notice on water restrictions, on page three an article about flooding the river for a paddle festival?My concern is not about lack of water, but lack of thought from our local government. John Van Egmond,Courtenay