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When volunteering, remember the shut-ins

Dear editor,

Advocating action, not just talk, an editorial has brought to the fore youth,  homelessness,  invasive species, the food bank, etc.  All worthwhile objects to be the focus of positive action.

The plight of many elderly singles, however, by being omitted, stood out almost more than the aforementioned worthy causes. And so let me add to actionable causes: Give the gift of time to visit the lonely, the shut-ins, the incapacitated or destitute, distraught, pathologically shy, those recently deprived of spouse or partner. Those isolated for whatever reason, feeling desperately lonely.

The Comox Valley is to a great extent a retirement community. Many members of the armed forces owning property do not sell upon deployment. They rent out, intending upon end of service to return to the Valley. Their pensions do much to maintain the standards of the Valley communities, including Cumberland.

But age takes its inevitable toll. In the end, loneliness intrudes, for many reasons. Lack of mobility and/or transportation is one such reason, and a major one. The gift of a visit consequently may also include a car ride to some specifically-requested spot – for shopping, medical appointment, a picnic. It may not, of course. But if, then generosity happens to be one of those virtues that comes around...

The elderly shut-ins will be deeply appreciative, while giving has its own reward. Little is more precious than time, whether to give or receive.

Finn Schultz-Lorentzen
