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Driving rules apply to you

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

What part of the word “Stop” do drivers not understand at intersections?

What part of “Turn off your cellphone” do people not understand at the Sid?

What part of the “Do Not Walk” signal do pedestrians not understand at intersections?

What part of “Do not cycle on the sidewalks” do cyclists not understand?

What part of “red lights” do those who cycle not understand?

What part of “Dog must be on leash” do dog owners not understand?

What part of “No photography” do Sid-goers not understand?

What part of “No videotaping” do theatregoers not understand?

What part of “It is not polite to butt into line” do people not understand?

What part of “1 to 8 items” do people not understand at the checkout?

What part of “Do not drive and talk on your cell at the same time” do drivers not understand?

I could go on, but I won’t.

Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot the rules do not apply to you and the world does revolve around you.

I hate to tell you this, but the world does not revolve around you, and the rules do apply to you.

What have we done with responsibility? What have we done with taking ownership of our own behaviour?

John Knowles,
