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Fun with flowers

Fun with flowers

Debbie Etherington, floral manager at the Courtenay Quality Foods store, promotes its flowers.

Victoria addresses concerns of elderly drivers

Drivers on the far side of 80 who fail a computerized test will now be offered a road test before they have to surrender their licence.

Gliders continue to practise over Comox Valley

Look up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Yes, it's a plane — and a glider, too.
K’ómoks and Homalco sign deal to respect each other's resource access

K’ómoks and Homalco sign deal to respect each other's resource access

The K’ómoks First Nation inked an agreement Friday with the Homalco First Nation.
Skating for charity

Skating for charity

A ROTARY RAIDER pressures the St. Joe’s Scrubs’ goalie in the fourth annual Memorial Hockey Challenge St. Patrick’s Day Brawl.

Pipeline hearings in Comox will have protestors outside

The National Energy Board will conduct hearings for Enbridge's Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal March 30 and 31 in Comox.
Silver-tongued students persuasive public speakers in Comox Valley

Silver-tongued students persuasive public speakers in Comox Valley

Here are the results from the Comox Valley School District public speaking competition at North Island College:

B.C. air cadets will glide above Comox from March 18 to 24

Air cadets from across the province will glide above Comox next week during a spring break gliding exercise March 18 to 24 at 19 Wing Comox.

Comox Valley Record cartoonist finalist for national award

Once again, Comox Valley Record freelance editorial cartoonist Bob Castle is a finalist for a national award.

Courtenay considering banning dogs in cemetery

Dog owners may soon be prohibited from bringing their pooches to the Courtenay Civic Cemetery.