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LETTER - World Climate Declaration supports thoroughly debunked claims


Dear editor,

Re: Comox climate crisis denialist says issue is alarmist messaging (Jan. 31 Letter)

As Mr. Lorne Smith refutes climate change, he sounds utterly reasonable, just a knowledgeable guy laying out the irrefutable facts so we simple folk can understand them and realize what dupes we’ve been to believe in global warming.

However, and I beg his pardon, there’s a wee error or two in his summation.

First, it is generally agreed (yes, by economists, but then they are the experts in this field) that a carbon tax is the simplest and most cost-effective strategy for reducing greenhouse gases and there is strong evidence that B.C.’s revenue-neutral carbon tax has been effective. I haven’t included any references, but then Mr. Smith is not really interested in the efficacy of the carbon tax or any other measure when he thinks global warming is a hoax.

I find it ironic that for someone who says he believes in science and facts, the main source for his claim is the World Climate Declaration. It’s just a single page of general, unsupported, and thoroughly debunked claims followed by a vague statement about climate models. Then there are 50 pages of names and credentials of which less than one per cent are climate scientists. Contrast that with, according to NASA, the 97 per cent of actively publishing climate scientists who agree that humans are causing global warming and most of the leading science organizations worldwide that have issued public statements agreeing with this.

He says our contribution to fighting global warming would be insignificant and would cost many billions, so why do it? We have contributed far more than our fair share to the problem and so should contribute our fair share in resolving it. It would be unconscionable for Canada to take a free ride while expecting the rest of the world to buckle down. And what is rarely discussed with those who say we can’t afford to fight global warming, is what it will cost to ignore it: much, much more, in dollars, human life, quality of life, biodiversity, whatever currency you choose.

Kirk Sunter,Comox