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EDITORIAL: Doing the right thing about medical marijuana

The Comox Valley RCMP say they had good reasons to believe the North Island Compassion Club (NICC) had become a front for marijuana dealing. The Crown, which will prosecute the case, clearly thought so when approving criminal charges — using information gathered by police.

Recall process marginalizing democracy

Dear editor, OK, enough already. I find it hard to believe that while we see so many countries around the world struggling, suffering and fighting to establish some form of a democratic government, that we are involved in an action that flies in the face of our very own electoral process.

Where do we send the bill for Tsolum River pollution?

Dear editor, Four and a half million dollars of taxpayers' money plus over 40 years loss of salmon in the Tsolum river because of an abandoned copper mine.

Comments from NDP leadership hopefuls 'rude, politicized'

Dear editor, Two years ago I joined the provincial Liberal party and had the first-time experience recently of voting for our new leader in a regional and preferential voting system.

Proposed coal mine first of several in Comox Valley?

Dear editor, At numerous public meetings over the past few months, the question has been raised whether or not the proposed Raven Coal Mine Project near Fanny Bay is just the beginning of numerous coal mines being developed in the Comox Valley.

North Island College values safety of its students

Dear editor, I appreciate Mr. Knowles' critique of the apprentice operating a table saw as displayed in the Record (Feb. 23). Mr. Knowles is correct if the apprentice was performing a rip cut. However, the apprentice is instead cutting a small rabbet into the edge of the board. The operation was set up and demonstrated by the instructor prior to the student undertaking the cut.

EDITORIAL Real work now begins for Christy Clark

In retrospect, maybe we should have been able to predict the provincial Liberals would choose Christy Clark as their new leader and our second female premier.

RCMP warning on 'air quality surveys' was timely

My wife Rosa and I would like to thank the RCMP for their warning of those “air quality surveys" in the Friday Record.

Can 'temporary bridge' handle hospital load?

Re: Location of new hospital. Over the Tsolum River is a “temporary” bridge.

Coell's decision means no meaningful environmental assessment for proposed coal mine

In refusing to comply with a request from CoalWatch for comprehensive aquifer mapping and modelling for the proposed Raven Coal Project in the Comox Valley, Minister of Environment Murray Coell has effectively shut down any kind of meaningful environmental assessment.