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LETTER: What that social activist really said

Human animals the real nuisance, not dogs in Courtenay park

Dear editor, I am somewhat bemused — and just a little offended — at the sign that the City has put up in the little park on 10th Street East.

BC Assessment Authority 'mean-spirited entity'

Dear editor, The former Bell property at 1575 Dingwall Rd. has gone full circle from a proposed park to a “stuffed to the rafters” development.

Floatplanes to Vancouver 'fabulous'

Dear editor, During our recent ice and snow weather, I was able to take advantage of the fabulous float plane service provided out of Comox Harbour and into Vancouver Harbour by Harbour Air.

Courtenay Superstore shoplifter realizes he let many people down

Dear editor, Two months ago, when I attempted to shoplift from Superstore, it didn’t feel like I was hurting anyone. After getting caught and facing the consequences of my actions, I realized how much damage was caused to my home life, my community and me.

Letter about homeless shelter contains some errors

Dear editor, The letter from Mr. Dick Clancy, regarding the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD)’s land purchase for a homeless shelter/supportive housing, has a number of factual errors.

Why was cruelty inflicted at hospital in Comox?

Dear editor, The public should take the goings-ons with misdiagnosis in our province seriously and, yes, we can change the system. I remember my parents talking about Tommy Douglas when I was a child and later on as an adult when Mr. Douglas said, "There will come a day they tell you there is no money for health care and don't you believe them.''
B.C. VIEWS: Time to enrich poverty debate

B.C. VIEWS: Time to enrich poverty debate

Taxpayers cover mining fallout

With great interest I, as well as many others, have been following our provincial government’s move toward increasing mineral extraction in British Columbia.

ER run by Starbucks?

We have no fear in this valley that we will have Tim Hortons for a medical facility in the new hospital.