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Thanks for homeless information

Water issues keep bubbling up

Site of Courtenay homeless shelter opposed

EDITORIAL: Who's in cabinet, who's not

How are our tax dollars spent?

EDITORIAL: Better to be ready than sorry

Global media regularly brings us news about catastrophes, but the ones that truly grab our attention are the ones that might affect us the most.

Low-income writing disingenuous

I am writing in response to the “politics” item in the Comox Valley Record on March 9: Time to enrich poverty debate in British Columbia, by Tom Fletcher, legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.

Child poverty research methods questioned

Child poverty in West Vancouver? In that affluent municipality?

Quit bullying man who's down

In response to Friday’s letter to the editor from Yvonne Kafka: Does anyone check their sources to see if a person is actually credible before publishing their slanders of a well-respected professional human being? Just for fun, we Googled the name Yvonne Kafka, and came up with this doozy …

Letter writer supports Leonard

Thank you for your article on Ronna-Rae Leonard’s selection as candidate for the House of Commons, representing Vancouver Island North.