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Flipswap takes phones, plants trees

Students at local schools have donated more than 1,000 old cellphones to the Flipswap Program — resulting in 1,000 trees being planted.

Saltwater School welcomes Waldorf teacher

The Saltwater School welcomes Warren Lee Cohen, author of The Art of Baking Bread, an experienced Waldorf teacher and director of teacher training at the Rudolf Steiner Centre in Toronto.
Communicate with 60 Minutes Toastmasters

Communicate with 60 Minutes Toastmasters

60 Minutes Toastmasters provides a fun and friendly environment to build communication and leadership skills using a program that has served millions.
Zucchinis on wheels

Zucchinis on wheels

Extreme Zucchini Races
World Community Bikes provides wheels to those in need

World Community Bikes provides wheels to those in need

Since May 2009, World Community Bikes has partnered with The Salvation Army and other Comox Valley social agencies to provide bicycles to adults in need of transportation.
Waterscape team creates creek

Waterscape team creates creek

As part of this year’s Filberg Festival, David Bossom of Island Waterscape and Leana Richardson of the Plant Collector were asked to create a garden and stream for this year’s festival.
Family Day at farmers market

Family Day at farmers market

Comox Valley Farmers' Market

Motorcyclists wanted for charity ride

Motorcycle riders are wanted to join local members of the Military Police unit for a Vancouver Island charity ride to raise funds for the Military Police Fund for Blind Children and the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada.

Barbecue/potluck to support Sammy

The Comox Valley Multicultural and Immigrant Support Society (CVMISS) is holding a family summer barbecue/potluck to support a young boy with brain cancer next weekend.

Movies Under the Stars

The Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) service, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and First Insurance Agencies (FIA) are bringing Movies Under the Stars to the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds on Aug. 17 and to Comox Marina Park on Aug. 31.